My Microwave Is Sparking: What Should I Do?

My microwave is sparking because pizza crust contains foil

Hey there, kitchen comrades! Mikey here, coming at you with some electrifying advice for when your microwave decides to put on its own light show. Spotting sparks inside your microwave can be more startling than finding out your favorite TV show has been canceled. But don’t fret! I’m here to shine a light on this shocking issue and guide you through it step by step. … Read more

Microwave Features Explained: From Standard To Next Level Wizardry

microwave features come to life

It’s your pal Mikey here, ready to embark on a thrilling kitchen adventure with you. Today, we’re cracking the code on one of the most versatile heroes of the modern kitchen: the humble microwave. But hold on, there’s nothing humble about these culinary wizards anymore! With a treasure trove of microwave features at their disposal, these incredible appliances are ready to take your cooking from … Read more

A Complete Guide to Microwave Wattage

displaying a microwave wattage

It’s your pal Mikey, back at it with another kitchen deep-dive, this time into a topic that might seem mundane but is as crucial as the perfect seasoning: microwave wattage. Ever wondered why some microwaves turn yesterday’s pizza into a crispy delight, while others leave it soggy? The secret’s in the wattage. So, let’s embark on a flavorful journey to uncover what is the average … Read more

How To Make a Gourmet Meal in a Microwave

chef showing how to make a gourmet meal in a microwave

Hey there, lovebirds and culinary cupids! Mikey here, your trusty guide in the quest to conquer hearts through the stomach, especially when you’re working with, well, less than a full kitchen. Picture this: a cozy dinner date in your small apartment or dorm room. You want to impress, to create an evening filled with flavors and whispers of affection, but there’s a catch — your … Read more

How To Microwave Fish Without The Smell

How to Microwave Fish Without the Smell

Hello, culinary navigators and office lunch enthusiasts! It’s Mikey here, ready to dive into a topic that hits close to home (or should I say, close to the office): how to microwave fish without the smell. We’ve all been there — wanting to enjoy a nutritious, delicious fish dish at work but fearing the not-so-pleasant aroma that could fill the break room. Microwaving fish in … Read more

The Invention of Microwaves – And Continued Evolution

old electronics devices near time of invention of microwaves

Hello history enthusiasts! It’s Mikey here, ready to guide you through the incredible story of the invention of microwaves. This journey is not just about a kitchen appliance but a revolutionary leap in how we cook and live. So, grab a snack (microwaved, perhaps?), and let’s dive into the history and evolution of this fascinating invention. The Spark of Invention: Percy Spencer and the Radarange … Read more

How Long Can A Microwave Last? Your Ultimate Guide to Microwave Longevity

how long can an old microwave last

Hello, culinary comrades! Mikey here, your trusty guide through the world of microwaving marvels. Today, we’re delving deep into a question that’s simmered in the minds of many: how long can a microwave last? Whether you’re considering the lifespan of your current microwave or contemplating the purchase of a new one, I’m here to sprinkle some expert insight into your decision-making stew. The Lifespan of … Read more

What Size Microwave Do I Need? A Comprehensive Guide

What Size Microwave Do I Need - Microwaves of different sizes

Hey, microwave fans! It’s Mikey here, your culinary companion and microwave maestro. Today, we’re zeroing in on a question that surfaces when shopping for your next microwave: what size microwave do I need? Whether you’re navigating the aisles of appliance stores or clicking through pages online, understanding the ins and outs of microwave sizes will help you make an informed choice. So, let’s microwave our … Read more

How To Clean Microwave Stains

How To Clean Microwave Stains

Hello again, kitchen warriors! It’s Mikey, diving deeper into a question that plagues even the greatest kitchen ninjas – how to clean microwave stains. Whether it’s a remnant of last week’s chili or yesterday’s reheated coffee, no stain stands a chance with the right approach. So, let’s expand on our earlier guide and turn your microwave from stained to spectacular with some extra tips and … Read more

Can You Defrost A Turkey In The Microwave?

Can You Defrost A Turkey In The Microwave

Hello, Thanksgiving chefs and festive feast preparers! It’s Mikey here, diving deep into a question that’s hotter than a freshly roasted turkey straight out of the oven: “Can You Defrost A Turkey In The Microwave?” With the holidays around the corner, or maybe just a hankering for a mid-year turkey treat, knowing how to safely and efficiently defrost your turkey is key to a successful … Read more