How To Cook Eggs In A Microwave

Hey there, egg enthusiasts and microwave maestros! It’s your culinary pal, Mikey, ready to crack into a topic that’s both practical and palatable: How To Cook Eggs In A Microwave. Whether you’re short on time, lacking kitchen equipment, or simply seeking a quick and easy way to whip up some eggy delights, the microwave is your best friend. So, let’s scramble through the ins and outs of cooking eggs in the microwave, ensuring you get perfect results every time.

Why Cook Eggs in a Microwave?

Cooking eggs in a microwave isn’t just about convenience; it’s also about speed and minimal cleanup. Whether you’re living in a dorm, want to avoid a mountain of pans, or need a protein-packed meal in minutes, microwaving eggs is a game-changer. Plus, it’s a great way to avoid added fats from oils or butter if you’re keeping an eye on your intake.

Mikey’s Method: Cooking Various Egg Styles in the Microwave

Scrambled Eggs


  • 2 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of milk or water (optional for fluffiness)


  1. Crack the Eggs: Break the eggs into a microwave-safe bowl or mug. Add the milk or water and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  2. Whisk Well: Use a fork to beat the eggs until the yolks and whites are fully combined.
  3. Microwave: Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe lid or plate. Microwave on high for about 30 seconds.
  4. Stir: Remove the bowl, peel back the cover, and give the eggs a gentle stir.
  5. Cook Again: Return to the microwave and cook for another 30-60 seconds, stirring every 20 seconds until the eggs are cooked through but still moist.

Poached Eggs


  • 1 large egg
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • A splash of vinegar (optional)


  1. Prepare the Mug: Pour water into a microwave-safe mug or bowl. Add a splash of vinegar.
  2. Crack the Egg: Gently break the egg into the water.
  3. Microwave: Cover with a saucer or microwave-safe lid. Cook on high for about 60 seconds.
  4. Check Doneness: Carefully remove the egg with a slotted spoon. If it’s not done to your liking, microwave in 10-second bursts until satisfied.



  • 2 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fillings of choice (chopped veggies, cheese, cooked meats)


  1. Prepare the Mix: In a microwave-safe dish, whisk the eggs with salt, pepper, and your chosen fillings.
  2. Microwave: Cover with a lid or plate. Cook on high for 1-2 minutes, until the eggs are set.
  3. Fold and Serve: Use a fork to fold the omelette in half, then serve.

Bonus: Hard-Boiled Eggs

Though traditionally a stovetop endeavor, making hard-boiled eggs in the microwave is possible with a little ingenuity. Since microwaving eggs in their shells is risky (hello, eggsplosion!), we’ll use a workaround for safety and ease.


  • 1 large egg (or more, depending on the size of your container)
  • Water


  1. Choose a Microwave-Safe Bowl: Pick a bowl large enough to hold your eggs and enough water to cover them by at least an inch.
  2. Prep the Eggs: Place the eggs gently in the bowl. Fill the bowl with warm water, covering the eggs by about an inch.
  3. Microwave: Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate or lid. Microwave on medium power for 6 to 8 minutes for one egg, adding a minute or two per additional egg. The goal is to heat the water gently to cook the eggs through without reaching a boiling point that could cause the eggs to burst.
  4. Ice Bath: Carefully remove the bowl (it will be hot!) and transfer the eggs to an ice bath for at least 5 minutes. This stops the cooking process and makes peeling easier.
  5. Peel and Enjoy: Gently crack and peel the eggs. Enjoy your microwave “hard-boiled” eggs.

Mikey’s Mastery Tips

Cooking eggs in the microwave is a nifty trick, but mastering the microwave takes a bit more than just pressing buttons. Here are some additional tips to elevate your microwave egg game:

Know Your Microwave’s Wattage

  • Adjust Accordingly: Microwaves vary greatly in power, from 600 to 1200 watts or more. Knowing your microwave’s wattage is crucial for adjusting cooking times and preventing overcooked or undercooked eggs.

Experiment with Cooking Containers

  • Shape Matters: Different containers distribute heat differently. A round bowl for scrambled eggs can result in a more evenly cooked dish compared to a square container. For “hard-boiled” eggs, deeper bowls are better.

Let It Rest

  • Cooking Continues: Remember, eggs continue to cook after you’ve stopped the microwave, thanks to residual heat. Allowing your eggs to rest for a minute or two in the microwave after cooking can lead to a more consistent texture.

Add a Pinch of Salt

  • Prevent Exploding: When making scrambled eggs or an omelette, adding a pinch of salt to the beaten eggs before microwaving can help prevent them from puffing up excessively or exploding.

Cover Wisely

  • Steam vs. Splatter: Covering your eggs while they cook can help steam them evenly, but make sure there’s a vent (like a cracked lid or loose covering) to release steam and prevent pressure build-up.

Cleaning Up

  • Quick Clean Trick: If you end up with splatters, mix 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and a squeeze of lemon juice in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 5 minutes and then wipe down. This not only cleans but also deodorizes your microwave, making it ready for your next culinary adventure.

FAQs: How To Cook Eggs In A Microwave

Can I make hard or soft-boiled eggs in the microwave?

Technically, yes, but it’s tricky. Unlike other methods, boiling eggs in the shell in the microwave is riskier due to the possibility of eggs exploding. It’s safer to cook eggs out of the shell in the microwave.

Why did my microwave egg explode?

Eggs can explode in the microwave if the yolk is not pierced or if they’re overheated. Always pierce the yolk and cover the container to minimize this risk.

How do I avoid rubbery eggs?

To prevent rubbery eggs, don’t overcook them. Microwave in short intervals, stirring often, and remove them when they’re still slightly underdone; they’ll continue to cook from residual heat.

Can I add milk to my microwave eggs?

Absolutely! Adding milk or water before cooking can make scrambled eggs fluffier. Just a splash will do.

How do I clean the microwave if eggs splatter or explode?

In case of an egg-splosion, make a mixture of 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 5 minutes, then wipe down the interior with a sponge or cloth.

Get Cooking!

And there you have it, folks – your comprehensive guide on How To Cook Eggs In A Microwave, straight from Mikey’s kitchen to yours. With these tips and tricks, you’re all set to enjoy delicious, perfectly cooked microwave eggs in no time. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment with cooking times and power settings to find what works best for your microwave. Happy egg microwaving!

Stay tuned for more of Mikey’s kitchen wisdom, and until next time, keep those eggs crackin’ and microwaves zappin’!

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