How To Clean The Outside Of A Microwave

Hey there, kitchen clean-up crew! It’s Mikey, your go-to guru for all things sparkly and clean in the kitchen. Today, we’re zeroing in on a task that often gets overlooked but is crucial for keeping your kitchen looking its best: how to clean the outside of a microwave. Whether it’s fingerprints, splatters, or just the everyday dust and grime, the exterior of your microwave needs some love too.

So, grab your cleaning supplies, and let’s get that microwave shining like new!

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning Your Microwave

First things first, why bother with the outside when it’s the inside that does all the heavy lifting? Well, the exterior of your microwave can collect a surprising amount of dirt, grease, and germs from daily use. Not only does this buildup make your microwave look less than appealing, but it can also contribute to the wear and tear of your appliance over time. A clean microwave exterior not only looks great but also extends the life of your appliance. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of getting the job done right.

Gathering Your Cleaning Supplies

Before we start, let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need for a successful clean-up mission. Here are some recommended materials that can be used:

  • Warm, soapy water
  • Vinegar (for tougher grime)
  • Baking soda (for stubborn stains)
  • A microfiber cloth or soft sponge
  • A spray bottle (optional)
  • Rubber gloves (if you have sensitive skin)

Step-By-Step Guide To Cleaning the Outside Of Your Microwave

Step 1: Unplug and Prep

Safety first! Unplug your microwave before you start cleaning to avoid any electrical mishaps. Plus, it gives you the chance to give the plug and cord a quick wipe down too. Also, if you need to and can lower your microwave to a manageable height, please do! There’s no reason to be reaching well beyond your means.

Step 2: Start with Warm, Soapy Water

  • Mix It Up: In a bowl or sink, mix some dish soap with warm (but not hot) water. Soak your cloth or sponge in the solution, then wring it out so it’s damp but not dripping.
  • Wipe Down: Gently wipe the exterior of your microwave. For microwaves with buttons or a keypad, be careful not to let water seep into the openings. A quick tip is to use your damp cloth to press the buttons, cleaning them without risking water damage.

Step 3: Tackle Tough Grime with Vinegar

  • Vinegar Solution: If you’re dealing with grease or sticky residue, mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray lightly on the surface of your microwave or directly onto your cloth, then wipe. The acidity of the vinegar works wonders on cutting through grease.

Step 4: Address Stubborn Stains with Baking Soda

  • Baking Soda Paste: For those stubborn stains that just won’t budge, make a paste with three parts baking soda to one part water. Apply this paste directly to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub gently with a soft sponge or cloth. Rinse the area with a clean, damp cloth afterward.

Step 5: Dry and Buff

  • Dry Off: Once you’ve got the exterior clean, use a dry microfiber cloth to dry off any remaining moisture. This step also helps buff the surface, giving it a nice shine.

Step 6: Reconnect and Admire

  • Plug It Back In: Now that the outside of your microwave is looking brand new, you can plug it back in. Stand back and admire your handiwork!

Mikey’s Micro Tips

Keeping your microwave looking as good as new doesn’t have to be a chore. With these expanded maintenance tips, you’ll not only keep your microwave clean on the outside but also help extend its life and efficiency. Let’s dive into some more detailed strategies to keep that microwave shining without breaking a sweat.

Daily Wipe-Downs: The First Line of Defense

  • Make It a Habit: Incorporate a quick wipe-down of your microwave’s exterior into your daily kitchen cleanup routine. It takes just a minute and can prevent buildup over time.
  • Use the Right Cloth: Opt for a microfiber cloth for daily wipe-downs. Microfiber is gentle on all types of surfaces, including stainless steel, and it’s great at picking up dust and fingerprints without the need for cleaning sprays.

Immediate Spill Clean-Up: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

  • Act Fast: The moment something splatters or spills on the microwave, take a moment to clean it up. The longer spills sit, the harder they’ll be to remove later.
  • Warm Water Works Wonders: For most spills, warm water and a drop of dish soap on a cloth will do the trick. This simple solution can tackle everything from grease splatters to sauce drips.

Protective Measures: Shielding Your Microwave from Harm

  • Cover the Top: If your microwave is under cabinets or near the stove, where it’s susceptible to grease and food splatters, consider covering the top with a sheet of wax paper or a washable cloth. This acts as a barrier, catching drips and making cleanup a breeze.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: While it might be tempting to use a strong cleaner to get rid of tough grime, harsh chemicals can damage the exterior finish of your microwave. Stick to gentler solutions to preserve its look and integrity.

Managing Fingerprints on Stainless Steel: Keeping It Smudge-Free

  • Fingerprint-Resistant Spray: For stainless steel microwaves, consider using a cleaner specifically designed to resist fingerprints. These sprays not only clean but also leave a protective layer that repels new smudges.
  • DIY Polish: Create a DIY polish using olive oil or baby oil for a budget-friendly alternative. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth and rub it on the stainless steel surface in the direction of the grain. This not only cleans but also leaves a protective sheen that minimizes future fingerprints.

Embrace Natural Deodorizers: Keep It Smelling Fresh

  • Freshen Up: Every now and then, after cleaning, place a bowl of baking soda inside the microwave when it’s not in use. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and will help absorb any lingering odors, keeping your microwave smelling fresh.

FAQs: How To Clean The Outside Of A Microwave

Can I use commercial cleaners on the outside of my microwave?

While you can use commercial kitchen cleaners, ensure they’re suitable for appliances and don’t contain harsh chemicals that could damage the microwave’s finish. Always read the product’s instructions and warnings.

What should I do if water gets into the keypad?

If water accidentally gets into the keypad, unplug the microwave immediately. Let it dry thoroughly, which may take a day or two. If it’s still not functioning correctly, it might need professional attention.

How do I clean a stainless steel microwave exterior?

For stainless steel, you can use the same vinegar solution mentioned above. However, make sure to wipe in the direction of the grain to avoid streaks, and consider using a commercial stainless steel cleaner for a polished finish.

My microwave has a lot of fingerprints. How can I prevent them?

Fingerprints are a common issue, especially on stainless steel. Regular wipe-downs with a microfiber cloth can help, and some people swear by a light coating of mineral oil to reduce fingerprints.

Is it safe to use bleach on the outside of my microwave?

It’s best to avoid bleach as it can be too harsh for some appliance finishes. Stick to milder cleaning solutions like soapy water or vinegar.

The Final Squeak

And there you have it, folks – everything you need to know about how to clean the outside of a microwave, straight from the cleaning aficionado himself, Mikey. Remember, a clean microwave isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality and longevity too. With these tips and regular maintenance, your microwave will continue to be the shining star of your kitchen, both inside and out.

Stay tuned for more kitchen wisdom, and until next time, keep those microwaves sparkling!

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